Simple but VERY delicious

I'm sure we've all had those days when you say, "I really feel like baking," but at the same time you are superlazy. Well, I had one of those days. I cycled in the morning but when I got home, I was too damn lazy to do my recipe searching, ingredient searching and then spending loads of time in the kitchen.
So, if you're in one of those moods, this is perfect for you...

A cake with strawberries & cream (what could be better?) 

All that you'll need is:

- a vanilla cake mix 
- 200ml of whipping cream 
- 300g of fresh strawberries (if you want more - add MORE!)
- a jar of strawberry jam

Bake the cake in two separate pans & wait for it to cool.

Arrange your cake by putting a layer of jam,  half of your cream and half of your strawberries (I sliced mine).

Now that was a piece of cake! (Excuse the pun - wink, wink)
