Looking for Alaska

What is the labyrinth and how do you escape it?

Is straight and fast really the way to go?

John Green, you did it again! You wrote yet another funny, smart and heartbreaking book.

Looking for Alaska is a DEFINITE to read!

"I go seek a Great Perhaps,"
That's the reason why Miles Halter (aka Pudge) decides to go board at Culver Creek. I won't give out any hints or spoilers, but Miles's world gets flipped around. He may have promised his parents that he won't get involved in mischief, but we all know that promises get broken sometimes.

"If people were rain, I was a drizzle and she was a hurricane."
Crazy, weird but beautiful Alaska jumps into Miles's world, completely changing it.
Miles will never be the same and neither will I.

This tragic novel is cleverly written and it is one of those books which you can open on any page and find a catchy quote.

Although it is heartbreaking and sad such as The Fault in Our Stars, it is different in its own way and just as incredibly and unbelievably amazing!

Do yourself a favor and read Looking for Alaska!